Step by step instructions to create Surveys or Polls on GoRegista

  • Click here and create an account with us, its free of course. You will be sent an email with confirmation instructions or how to login once you have an account.
  • Login as per the instructions.
  • Click on “Create an event”
  • Fill in each of the boxes, its pretty clear what is required. Event survey/poll name, your name date, organiser (you) and the address. Its google finding the address so type in until it finds the one you want that best represents the ceter of the population you wish to test. Remember you can go back and make changes any time.
  • Select the audience. This is the geo-net radius around the event address. Be conservative, you don’t want the whole of the state to see your survey/poll if its just city based.
  • Choose a category, choose Community to make sure you don’t get charged! The “TAG” word is what people will search for on the app. Think about it. Put in the search word here.
  • Don’t use the secret code unless its a private survey. You can use this as a “secret code word” to create a survey that restricts people to only those who heard the secret word.
  • Info to collect, get name and email. Note we use it to send an email on you behalf thanking them for responding to the survey. The extra custom fields you need to add are the survey or polling questions. Maximum of three.
  • Last few steps. Decide if you want an email EVERY time some one regista’s. Most people select daily summary. Remember at any time you came get the list from the main entry screen. If its a big survey or poll DONT select an email every time someone regista’s. Your mailbox might get VERY full very quick!
  • When some one regista’s for your survey or poll, you should thank them. Type in your thank you message here. What the email we send says, is EXACTLY what you type in this box.
  • Awesome! Accept Terms and Conditions and your done. Its really cool, and it’s time to download the app from the App Store or Google Play and search for the survey or poll you created. You are now live! At any time you can edit the listing to make minor changes after looking at the listing on the phone. You will see details of the listing in your console.