Pricing Structure

Please note: Businesses providing products or services for sale should use the Products or Services category with the app. Listings created and placed in inappropriate categories may have the account suspended. GoRegista provides a free service to community organisations and a mostly free service to clubs, interest groups and educational interests. Businesses may use the service free also under the conditions below. If a fee for a listing is made, you will be billed via email. GoRegista allows a person to create a listing, “with no strings attached..” The listing will appear on the app immediately it is created. Payment must be made within 48 hours to keep the listing live.

Community Listings, Competitions and Calls to Action

All listings in these categories are free. Community groups creating fundraising events may use the service free also. Please select an appropriate audience level when creating your listing. Local interests will find a 25km or 50km radius is sufficient for most people.

Business Listings: Product and Services category
  • All listings with an audience under 50km are free regardless of the maximum number of registrations selected
  • Listings with an audience of 100 km are free but maximum registrations must be less than 50. If the maximum registrations is over 50, the cost is $24 AUD
  • Listings with an audience radius of 250km, state or country are subject to the pricing structure below
  • World audience listings are available POA
Education, Sport and Polling
  • All listings with an audience under 50km are free regardless of the maximum number of registrations selected
  • Listings with an audience of 100 km are free but maximum registrations must be less than 50 If the maximum registrations is over 50, the cost is $24 AUD
  • Listings with an audience radius of 250km, state or country are subject to the pricing structure below
  • World audience listings are available POA
Pricing table

 Maximum Registrations




> 200

250 km












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